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FAQ よくある質問

Frequently Asked Questions

<保育について> Hours & Tuition
Q. 保育料はいくらですか?How much is tuition?
A. 月40,000円(税込)です。

Tuition for Kiwi Kids ( 9:15a.m.~2:00p.m. ) is ¥40,000 a month (tax inclusive).
We are a registered Ninkagai Hoiku Shisetsu.
As of March 2023: If the mother is working, you may qualify for subsidies (¥¥) from your city
which pay tuition / daycare costs.
Please contact your local city office for details.

Q. 基本保育時間を教えて下さい。What are the hours of Kiwi Kids?
A. 9:15a.m.~2:00p.m.です。

Our regular hours are 9:15a.m. ~ 2:00p.m.
English only. All the time.

Q. 延長保育は行っていますか? Do you have extended hours care?
A. はい。事前予約の上、時間外保育を行なっています。

Extended hours care is available 8:30a.m.~9:15a.m., and 2:00p.m.~4:30p.m.
Full course is: 8:30a.m.~4:30p.m.
After-hours care is also all English.
After-hours care is available by reservation only.
Call for prices and details.

Q. お昼寝時間はありますか?Is there a nap time?
A. いいえ。2:00p.m.に帰るのでお昼寝はありません。

Since our regular hours are only 9:15a.m.~2:00p.m., we do not have a sleep or rest time.

<食事について> Lunch & Food
Q. 昼食とおやつはありますか?What about lunch?
A. おうちからお弁当を持参、または提携している給食センターの幼児用給食を注文することも

Do we bring or buy lunch?
You have the option of bringing your own lunch from home (ask about guidelines),
or you can order from Yochien Kyushoku, who will deliver bentos daily.
You can also mix and match home-made and Kyushoku to fit your needs.
There is no snack time as the school day ends at 2:00.
Call for more details.

Q. 園庭、遊具はありますか?Do you have a playground?
A. キウイキッズには、子供達が走ったり遊んだりするのに十分な広さの園庭(400坪)がありま

We have over 1,900 square meters (600 tsubo) of land at Kiwi Kids.
Plenty of space for kids to run and play.
They enjoy the swings, slides, grass and a sandbox at playtime.
They use jumpropes, hula hoops and soccer balls for group and individual fun.

Q. どんなイベントがありますか? What events are there?
A. 大きなイベントとしては入園式・卒園式・運動会・クリスマス会があり、保護者の方にも楽

Events: Our big events are Entrance Ceremony, Graduation, Sports Day and Christmas
celebrated with parents.
We have other minor events and Fun Days throughout the year such as Valentines Day,
Thanksgiving and birthday celebrations for kids only.

Q. 短期間のみ通うことは可能ですか?Is part-time or spot classes available?
A. いいえ。
短期間のみキウイキッズに通うことはできません。We do not offer part-time or spot classes because it doesn’t match our curriculum.
Our curriculum is a 3-year full-time course to make bilingual kids who can read, write and carry
on a conversation in English by the time they graduate.
This is not possible on a part-time basis.
For part-time classes, see our after-school classes for elementary school students.
<見学・申込方法について> School Visit / Admissions
Q. 園の見学はできますか?Can we see the school?
A. 園の見学を随時受け付けております。見学をご希望の方は、当園に直接お問合せ下さい。Of course! We would like for you to come visit us, as it is much easier to explain many things in person and visually. Please come visit and you can have an orientation of the facilities and we can answer any questions.
To start with, give us a call and arrange for a tour and trial day
Q. 保育園への申し込み方法を教えて下さい。What's the admissions process?
A.当園へ直接お問い合わせください。 Please call for details and an appointment.
Q. 入園する場合に必要な準備は? トイレトレーニングは? Conditions to join (age, toilet training)
A. 3歳の4月にキウイキッズに入園することができ、オムツが外れていることが条件となります。

Children must have had their 3rd birthday and be toilet trained to join Kiwi Kids.
Toddlers do not need to be toilet trained, but should be in the process.

Q. 途中入園は可能ですか? Can we join in the middle of the school year?
A. 可能です。他のインターナショナルスクールからはもちろん、全く英語に触れてないお子さん

You can join any time, if seats are available and conditions are met. Call for details.

Q. 保育園での1日のスケジュールは? A day at Kiwi Kids
A. 1日の過ごし方(例) A typical day at Kiwi Kids
9:30 登園、室内遊び arrive, indoor play
10:00 朝の会 morning circle
10:30 勉強 core English class time (by age / ability)
11:30 外遊び outdoor play
12:00 ランチ、室内遊び lunchtime and after lunch playtime (indoors)
13:00 全体クラス Class for all studnets
(体育、音楽、工作や聖書など) After lunch includes afternoon classes such as music, P.E., art,
craft, Bible class and seasonal themes.
14:00 お迎え Go home
Q. カリキュラムは何を目指していますか?What kind of curriculum do you follow?
A. 3年間のカリキュラムを通して、自分の思ってることを相手に英語で伝えることができる、そ

Our goal is for students to be able to communicate in English both verbally and in writing upon graduation.
They will learn to read, write, and speak English. Emphasis is on comprehension and the ability to express oneself.
For details by year, see class explanations.

Q. 職員の資格について What are the staff qualifications?
A. 認可外保育所のルールに従い、国家資格保育士免許を持つ職員を子供の人数にあわせて配置

As a registered Ninkagai Hoiku Shisetsu, we always have staff on site who are daycare teachers
(hoikushi) licensed by the national government.

Q. 宿題はありますか? Is there homework?
A. 毎日15~20分程度の宿題があります。

There is daily homework, which should take about 15-20 minutes.

Q. 卒園後は どうなりますか?What about after graduation?
A. キウイキッズ卒園生には英語力の維持かつ向上のための小学生クラスも用意してあります。

After graduation, you can continue to learn and grow with us in ASKK,
our after school classes for elementary through high school graduates.

<その他> Other Classes
Q. 2歳児クラスはありますか?またオムツをつけていても大丈夫ですか? Do you have a class for 2-year olds? Are diapers allowed?
A. 2歳児対象のトドラークラスがありますが、年度によってスタート時期や体制が違います。

We do have a Toddler Class for 2 year olds. Details vary by year. Please call for more

Q. 卒園生ではありませんが、小学生から通うことはできますか?Do you have classes for non-graduates?
A. 卒園生とは別の小学生クラスも用意しています。

Yes, we have classes for everyone from elementary school-age to adults. Call for more details.
